Tell Us About Yourself

english only forum

Модератор: The Sonic God

Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

Erm...well, I'm (as still being cub) dependent from my family, I don't have enough money as well.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 527
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2004, 23:40
Откуда: Sweden

Сообщение Douglas »

Mieko писал(а):Erm...well, I'm (as still being cub) dependent from my family, I don't have enough money as well.

Ohh.. i see. :oops:
But there will be lots of time for traveling in the future... The world will still be there for you to discover. :)

So where would be your first choice?
Where would you travel if you had the chance?
I don't need no one else but you in my life!
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

Yeah, and all of you friends will be visited ;)

The first person I visit - probably Clara :lol:

Hihi...erm...well...yeah, later I hope I will be able to travel a brother wants to live a year in London later, one in Paris, one in Tokio - I am different, I am patriotic Austrian ;)

Except Tokio - there I would visit him every weekend :lol:
(And japanese school girls can be hot sometimes :omgfun
But I have an austrian aim already, yeah...)

BTW: Nice new picture, Borah!

Back to topic: Next one, please!
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 371
Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2005, 13:46
Откуда: Poland

Сообщение apolonia »

It's Douglas who has a new picture. It's cute, really! :)
"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

Ups... :lol:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 527
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2004, 23:40
Откуда: Sweden

Сообщение Douglas »

Mieko писал(а):Yeah, and all of you friends will be visited ;)

The first person I visit - probably Clara :lol:

Hihi...erm...well...yeah, later I hope I will be able to travel a brother wants to live a year in London later, one in Paris, one in Tokio - I am different, I am patriotic Austrian ;)

Except Tokio - there I would visit him every weekend :lol:
(And japanese school girls can be hot sometimes :omgfun
But I have an austrian aim already, yeah...)

BTW: Nice new picture, Borah!

Back to topic: Next one, please!
I'm sure you're gonna be able to travel alot if you just got the motivation.
I mean i had only been to Denmark and Germany until i got this job. :)

And tokyo... Exellent choice it's a nice metro with a great nightlife.
I've been there twice and one of those times i had to stay there for the weekend waiting for a contract... anyways I strolled down to the street and where ever i looked there was something intresting to do.
Lots of resturants, nightclubs, bars and arcades i even saw a sign for indoor surfing. :D

Oh and yeah there's alot of chicks there to but they are almost impossible to understand.
I mean i have trouble understanding girls that talk fast in my own language and these japanese chicks talk like even faster and i'm not that good with japanese yet. *puuww*

I think you're gonna love Tokyo, Mieko.
apolonia писал(а):It's Douglas who has a new picture. It's cute, really! :)
Thank you. :)
I thought it was time for a new one so i took a pic of a sketch i did. (i really need to get me a scanner)
I don't need no one else but you in my life!
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

I also need a scanner :lol:

Well, I don't love Tokio, I just like exotic japanese :!:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 371
Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2005, 13:46
Откуда: Poland

Сообщение apolonia »

Douglas, if I can ask... what is Your job?
"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 335
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2005, 21:35
Откуда: Spain

Сообщение Clara »

We have a lot of witnesses in this forum: Mieko, you´ll visit me!! (well, before you can buy your scanner :lol: )

Who knows... maybe I can visit you too soon!!
Tired of my old signature ^^
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

Sooner as I visit you? ;)

Well, Clara, as I said: Next summer - next summer :D
(And my brother too)

Humm, back to topic? What now? Erm...humm...hahehihohu :mrgreen:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 527
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2004, 23:40
Откуда: Sweden

Сообщение Douglas »

Mieko писал(а):I also need a scanner :lol:

Well, I don't love Tokio, I just like exotic japanese :!:
I'm just saying that i think you'll like Tokyo.
apolonia писал(а):Douglas, if I can ask... what is Your job?
International Courier
I deliver documents, discs, cds, prototypes etc. that are to sensitive to send by regular mail or e-mail.
That's my current job.
I don't need no one else but you in my life!
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 355
Зарегистрирован: 13 авг 2006, 04:42
Откуда: michgan

Сообщение Asia »

Nicknames?: asia
Birth date: november.8, 1993
Gender: female
Ethnic Background: .................................
Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Color: dark brown, nearly black

Freckles: No

Moles: one

Scars: None

Righty or Lefty?: Righty!

Religion: Christian

Political Party: A bit more left than right

Country?: united states

State/Province?: Northern West

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?:straight
Parents Divorced?: No

Siblings? How many?: A brother and a sister

Children? How many?: "Zero"

Best Friend (s): ....................
Pets (names and what they are): riley :dog

Job?: Student

Schooling?: displine,

Car?: No

Play an Instrument?: No

Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

Jewelry?: hell yeagh!
Tattoo?: No

Makeup?: somtimes

Zodiac Sign: i dont know,....


Animal: Cats

Color: pink

Country: united states
State/Province: Humm...

Automobile: .............i cant drive

Shoe: vans,nikes

Number: 11

Food: Spaghetti, Pizza, ,burgers,fries,shrim,lobster,mozzerela sticks.

Fast Food Place and Food there: McDonalds

Musical Instrument: Don't know

Drink Fanta, Sprite

Season: summer ,hell yeagh!

Actor: will smith

Actress:flavor flav
Music Genre: pop

Band: ...............
Movie Genre: lion king

Movie: lion king
Hero/Heroine in Movie: simba
Villain in Movie: scar

Book Genre: .............
Book: Different

Author: ..................

Board Game: lion king board game.

Game Console: Nintendo 64, Gamecube, PS2

Computer/Console Game:pokemon.
Sport: wrestling

Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, visiting Friends,

Website: None

Subject in School:science

Store: toys r us
Gum: !?

Candy: gummy candy worms
Email or IM: What's an IM?

Phone or in person: In Person

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Flavor: Don't know

Cats or Dogs: dogs

Day or Night: Both

IM Service: None?

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No

Alcohol: No

Cigarettes/Cigars: No

Chew: = Chewing Gum? Yes

Cuss/Swear: yes

Lie: yes

Stole: yes when i was a little kid and i did not understand

Attempted Suicide: No

Attempted Murder: No

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes (Ouch - several times)

Got in a fight, did you win: Yes - yes (no serious fight)

Been shot: No

Want to go to college: Yes

Had an imaginary friend: Yes (past)

Wanted to be the opposite sex: hell no!

Had Déjà Vu: Yes

Gone skinny dipping?: no
Walk around nude?: Yes (when I was a cub)

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes

Ever fallen in love?: yes.
If so, at what age?: - 11

How many times?: - ...............

Ever been dumped?: - no

How many times?: - ..............

Ever made out?: yes
Ever had Sex?: No

Looks or Personality?: Both (Personality > Looks)

Are you attractive or ugly ?: Attractive

Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

Do you want to get married?: In some years maybe...

Define marriage and what it means to you: Trying to assure love will not be damaged

Do you want/have kids?: Later, yes!

Boys name: (If I will have children once a time...) james,benjamen
Girls name: (If I will have children once a time...) ----------------------------------------------------------------
-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: embarras myself in front of the spelling bee.
Greatest thing you’ve done: joining this fourm!
Funniest thing you’ve done: Don't know

Person/Place/Thing you hate: Radical People (like school bullies)/The Dump/

Person/Place/Thing you love: jonthan/simba/lion king
Country you hate besides your own:......................
Country you love besides your own: iceland

Best feeling in the world: Loving and being loved
Worst feeling in the world: To be alone or hated and hunted

-Politics & Religion-

(I believe in "believe" being "to advocate sth.")

Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes

Do you believe in Cloning?: No (against it!)

Do you believe in Guns?: No (against them)

Do you believe in War?: No (against it)

Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes (necessary)

Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes (necessary)

Do you believe in Texas?: No!

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: no!)

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: (What is the difference between plastic and normal surgery?)

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who is OJ Simpson?

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: bush

Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you believe in Hell?: No

Hobbies: Friends, Movies, Computer, Games,...


Goals: Having a fullfilled live, being not forgotten after death, going famous because of great acts

Dreams:go into space and explore a civlization! :p
Fears: Aliens,tornado sirens,meteor impact.tidal wave,bees,eartquake,
nuclear war!reptillan beings,ufos.

Weaknesses: yelling at me,telling me im stupid. :(

Most common emotion: halfhearted

What’s your favorite Memory: My best friends

Countries you’ve been TO...........................
States/Provinces you’ve been to:

What pet would you like: lion king cub
Any additional information: ?

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes

belive alien exist?:YEESSSSSSSS!
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »

Nice, Asia! Finally you also extracted :lol: :drunk
Asia писал(а):Cuss/Swear: yes
Asia писал(а):Ever fallen in love?: yes.
If so, at what age?: - 11
Asia писал(а):Ever made out?: yes
Whoa, you now have got a boyfriend for already two years (from 11-13)!?
This is amazingly uncommon at this age...
(It's not bad, yeah, it's good, but it's rare)
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 371
Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2005, 13:46
Откуда: Poland

Сообщение apolonia »

congratulations! :)
"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."
Аватара пользователя
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1249
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2005, 20:02
Откуда: Linz (Austria)

Сообщение Mieko »
